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Learn how to protect yourself from rising text fraud scams. Follow these tips to secure your account and avoid SMS phishing threats. Stay safe with Numerica.
One of the most common threats to the security of your Numerica account arrives via your phone: a text message. Text fraud is on the rise, and it targets your identity — and your money.
Before diving into the specifics of text fraud, know this. Numerica will never:
These requests come from impersonators wanting to rip you off, not from Numerica. If you receive a text that seems to be from us asking you to do any of these things, report it to us at 800.433.1837. You may be the target of a scam.
Also known as an SMS phishing scam or “smishing,” text fraud is a scam where fraudsters reach out to people by text message in hopes of gaining access to personal information. Scammers may pretend to be a regular person or a trusted organization like Numerica. When successful, fraudsters gain access to personal identifying information like Social Security numbers and financial information. This can be used to access your money or steal your identity.
There are many reasons fraudsters have embraced text message scams. They are easier to send out in large quantities, and they are more likely to reach the intended target. Most people keep their phone within arm’s reach. Fraudsters rely on the fact that you’re going to look at the text. According to most research, text message open rates are well above 90 percent. Scammers craft messages meant to prompt a heightened emotional reaction on your end.
Members report receiving text messages from Numerica that say things like:
Numerica does not send these types of text messages. If you receive one, do not respond. Take the actions noted below to “protect yourself when texting.”
Authentic Numerica text messages will never ask you for account information. If you’ve signed up for text alerts, you’ll receive account balances, transaction history, and fraud alerts. In addition, you can expect to receive messages like confirmations and reminders if you book an appointment with us. While we may sometimes ask you to reply with a simple “yes” or “no,” we will not ask you to provide personal information by text.
If you receive a suspicious text, here are some tips to protect yourself.
Helping you live well financially means Numerica is with you every step of the way. We’re here to help when it comes to battling fraud and keeping your accounts secure. Visit Numerica’s library of fraud and security resources for more articles to help keep you safe. You can also drop in to your favorite branch or call us at 800.433.1837.